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Internet security tips
What is Lilo?
How do I start buying on Lilo?
Why use Lilo instead of my current ordering process?
My hotel is part of a GPO. Will I have access to my negotiated pricing through Lilo?
I don't see all my vendors in Lilo, can I add more?
Multiple people do purchasing in my hotel, do we have to use one account?
Are there order minimums?
How do I pay for orders?
I lost my Invoice. Can you send me a new one?
Can I cancel an order?
What’s the Status of my order?
How long does it take to get my order?
Can I return items I bought?
What about getting a refund?
How much does it cost to use Lilo?
How much does it cost to sell on Lilo?
How much do I pay for orders I get through the marketplace?
What’s included in the commission fee?
How do I receive orders?
What about shipping?
What if I can’t fulfill an order?
What happens after I apply?
What about my existing hotel relationships?
How do your hotel payment terms affect me?
Can I invite other vendors to join Lilo?
Can I refer a hotel to Lilo?
Are my payments and information secure?